Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever."


1. Our heroes decide to go on the spur of the moment.
2. They need to rent a car, which they have some trouble doing.
3. There's a road trip.
4. The car they use for the trip is packed with large amounts of illegal drugs and a shitload of alcohol.
5. Our heroes are driving stoned.
6. There's a problem checking into the hotel, but they bullshit it away.
7. No one is using his real name.
8. The drugs make all the "straight" people look even more monstrous than they actually are. (Or are they?)
9. There's a boring panel.
10. Straights are harassed, in an almost incomprehensible way, in the elevator.
11. The hotel room is trashed.
12. Some maniac keeps screaming that he's going to kill himself.
13. The TV is always on in the hotel room, yet no one is really watching.
14. There's a run-in with a badass cop, but miraculously, no one goes to jail.
15. Straights are offended by an overheard conversation in a hotel hallway.
16. Our heroes do too many drugs.
17. They also visit the hotel's "real" idea of entertainment, and can't help but laugh their ass off at it.
18. They get kicked out.
19. Our heroes pick up a hot girl, feed her acid, and then find out she's underage.
20. The maid is scared shitless.
21. Celebrities keep popping up in the strangest goddamn places.
22. Soap and other amenities are stolen from the hotel in large quantities.
23. There's a mad last-minute rush to get to the airport.
24. After days of debauchery, our heroes eat at a diner. (The equivalent of an entire pie is consumed.)
25. The waitstaff is offended.
26. Everyone has a overdramatic, articulate, intelligent, literate view of themselves and their generation's place in the context of the universe.
27. "We're your friends. We're not like the others, man, really."


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