Friday, July 15, 2011

My Google+ Pledge

By "sharing" this on Google+, I Hereby Pledge to remove as much of the Failbook bullshit high school drama as humanly possible from this new social network, by enacting the following preventative measures:

1. I promise to not care who puts me in a circle, or who doesn't put me in a circle.
2. I promise to block anyone who is toxic to public discourse.
3. I promise not to post my relationship status, because it's nobody's business.
4. I promise not to stalk anyone, especially if they've just ended a relationship.
5. I promise not to get self-righteous about people who have different opinions than my own.
6. I promise not to indulge in flamewars or trolling, especially among actual IRL friends.
7. When it is clear that they are not progressing, or changing anyone's mind, I promise to end all political, economic, or religious debates with "I respect your opinion, but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one."
8. I promise not to make vague, passive-aggressive status updates, especially about former friends or lovers.
9. I promise not to freak out about who may or may not be friending each other, or de-friending each other, or flirting with each other, or possibly having sex with each other.
10. I promise to only add people to circles that I feel I might want to interact with, and not worry about my "friend count."

Therefore, Now, I, the undersigned, do pledge to make Google+ a place for grownups, and not the frat boys that Facebook was, let's face it, designed for.

An actual mature adult on the internet


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